Review Process
Papers must be prepared at the highest level of quality for inclusion in the conference proceedings.
All papers must be written in English.
The submissions will be reviewed by at least two independent referees.
The similarity should be less than 20% without references.
Review Process and Criteria:
- Author sends the research paper to the CBF conference via submission management system.
- Conference Scientific Committee receives the paper and informs the author(s) with that upon delivery with the specification of the response period that is expected not exceeding 3 days. After that, conference secretary shall perform plagiarism test (Turnitin) to ensure the originality of the article. In case more than 20% similarity was found, the article shall be rejected directly. In case the similarity was less than 20% the following procedure shall take place:
- The chair of the scientific committee chooses three reviewers to review the paper taking in consideration the specific specialization of the reviewer to ensure the highest quality of review.
- The paper shall be sent to the three reviewers with the reviewing form. It is expected that the reviewer shall give a detailed report on the validity of the scientific material and the paper at the end to be published. The probabilities that the reviewer may choose from are:
- Accepted for presentation and publication with minor correction.
- Accepted for presentation and publication with major correction.
- Not accepted.
- The author(s) will be given a period of one week to make the corrections and submit a detailed report with the corrections according to the reviewers’ opinions. The author(s) should provide his opinion and to which level he agrees to disagree with the reviewers’ opinions providing a logical and scientific justification for that.
- After receiving the corrected copy of the article, the chair of the scientific committee sends it with the initial copy and the author(s) report, to one of the reviewers. He will be given a period of 3 days to respond regarding author(s) corrections and if the article needs more corrections where it will be sent again for the author(s), otherwise it will go to the next step.
- If the reviewers agree that the author(s) made all the corrections then the corrected article and all reports shall be sent to chair of the scientific committee, and he will inform the authors with the acceptance decision and ask him to prepare the Camera-ready copy.